Sunday 13 May 2012

Miscellaneous Nonsense

Good evening!

I had prepared a really neat blog about stuff to air last night, but it was one of those things that the more I wrote, the more I wrote and it just started growing exponentially.  So I'd look at it from a different angle, grab some hedge clippers, gaze at it awhile, and then decide not to trim anything.  Now it's this giant ball of incoherence that I think should best be tackled at a later date.  In its place, however, is something a little simpler: a neato list of things that I wanted to lay down and share with everyone - things that are just too good to snicker and laugh at alone.  Without any further ado, here is a nice, assorted collection of miscellaneous nonsense.

Stephen Hawking vs. Cell Phone Bill

Now, if you listen to CBC Radio One on Saturday mornings at just before 8am, this one should not be news to you.  If you don't, however, just take a gander at this.  It's kind of a Goon Show-y kind of thing.  It's a radio sketch of Stephen Hawking (Warning: not the real Stephen Hawking) phoning his cell phone provider about his bill.  The best satire is the stuff that's closest to the truth, and they nail this one right on the head.  So good.  I strongly urge a view.

Length:                2m. 46s.

Comedy Rating:  A-

Best.  Burnout.  Ever.

An old friend of mine posted this on Facebook a while back, and it never gets old.  It has, like, near infinite replay value.  Just some good old boys performing the most massive burnout I've ever seen.  My only gripe is that they should have filmed this at night.  They explain in the comments section that it was a private roadway and that the secret to a fine burnout is not to drop the hammer, but to keep and even speed in third gear.  Hats off to Bubba and Skeeter.  Well played.  Oh and you need to be at least a little red-neck to enjoy it.

Length:                3m. 48s.

Comedy Rating:  B-

Agent for H.A.R.M.

You know when you're in the zone when you're doing something and time slows down and everything you touch turns to gold and you can't do no wrong?  That's what the MST3K guys were experiencing when they did this episode on this terrible 60's spy movie.  The protagonist is terrible, his boss isn't playing drunk but is drunk, and they mercilessly pile on this wannabe James Bond film.  A+ effort for Mike and the crew.

Length:                1h. 31m. 7s.

Comedy Rating:  A+

Pokepizza vs. Ethan

The best stories have arcs to them.  The characters are believable, the plot unfolds over time, and there's a sense of tension that heightens as you go along.  This flame war here between Pokepizza and Ethan starts out innocently enough, but like great comedy duos like Kenny and Spenny, Sheldon and Leonard, and Archie and Meathead, you have a real jerk and a usually lovable loser that keep perpetuating the laughs.  Even though Pokémon was after my time (barely), the comedy's nonetheless priceless.  If you've never read this before it's totally worth a gander.

Length:                5m., roughly

Comedy Rating: A

GABEN: Action Hero

Saw this on Halolz this week.  Had to share it.  It's one of those either-you-get-it-or-you-don'ts, so no explanation necessary.  Seriously, though, I would shell out big bucks to play it if it existed.  Just saying.

Length:                Instant

Comedy Rating:  C

How To Shut Down a Ho

I don't know why I find this so funny.  Do I like Dragon Ball?  No.  Not at all.  Hell, I don't even understand it.  Do I like Chris Tucker?  No.  Not in the least.  Do I like the annoying little captions that jump into the video?  Yeeuch, no.  So why is it that when I see this I crack right up?  Every time.  I dunno what it is, but it just pieces my funny bone like a rapier.  Some things, I guess, just transcend and I'll leave it at that.

Length:                58s.

Comedy Rating:  B-

Waving Putin

I find this series not only funny, but a tad bit adorable, too.  I'm not a Putin fan, oh no no no no no, but it is funny.  Worth a look, anyway.

Length:                20s.

Comedy Rating: B

And that's just about all the time I have tonight.  Thanks for watching and remember: it doesn't matter which nation, race, ethnicity, religion, tribe, or sect that anyone is - what is common to the human being is that when they are happy, they smile.  Good night.

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